I don’t have much interest in being around the crowds during Tulip Time at Windmill Island, and crowds there would ruin what I hope to accomplish photography-wise. So, I avoided the area like the plague last week–and went out yesterday morning to take some sunrise photos. I’d checked Photographer’s Ephemeris the evening prior, and it looked like it’d be a good time to go. Unfortunately, that meant waking up at 5:00 in the morning–but hey, I make sacrifices for my art.

I arrived around 6:00, and there was only one other photographer there. It didn’t take long to find a composition that I liked, but some of the tulips were already looking worse for wear. I made it work as best I could, and chose not to edit out the not-so-good looking tulips. Fortunately, the sunrise was in fact fairly decent that morning. I opted not to take any long exposures of the clouds, in favor of moving around to try different compositions. I shot from the end of blue hour into the end of the sunrise, and came away with 43 photos.
After returning home, I selected some to edit in Capture One and Photoshop. At the time of writing, I’ve only edited two from this session. But I’m pleased with the result, and will share one of those here. I documented this trip with additional photos and videos, in order to make content for YouTube this coming Friday. In the mean-time, here’s one of my in-progress* edits.

*Note: when I say “in-progress edit,” I mean that this edit needs more work before I decide to finalize it for printing.